Monday, October 17, 2005

Quick post

I am gonna have to make this a quick post, because my network is very instable today and I dont know when I will be thrown off again!
Today, I went to Uni (I love my new way of going Uni: I dont have to transfer at all... So I can get a lot of time into reading Gianbattista's New Science (of which all my Italian friends tell me I am completele insane for reading it. They wouldnt even be able to read it in Italian, let alone in english)
Arrived at Uni at 8.45 for a working class in Numerical Methods. In the afternoon, there was a lecture in Numerical Methods (darn, its boring), and the rest of the day was spent on my paper for Income Inequality.
At 19.30, I went home again. To prepar for tomorrow: FEDOR WILL BE ARRIVING!!!! I am soooooooooooo looking forward to it! I cant wait to see him again. I will go to Uni early to get some work done before he arrives, because he will be here for a WHOLE WEEK!!!! WOOHOO.
Anyways, I hope to be able to post this post, without the network crashing before me again!
ciao, OJ


Esther said...

He OJ, it's really nice Fedor is coming for a whole week! Have a lot of fun together and enjoy each others company :) Please say hi to Fedor for me and hope to see you both in November here in Groningen!

Esther said...

Hi again! I keep forgetting to ask what your adress is in Milano. There's a very nice "have a wonderfull time in your new home" card waiting here for you for a long time.... so could you please post/email/msn etc your adress to me?
