Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Uni: 9-21

Well, today I studied rather actively. I finished a paper on basis of my thesis, concerning Generational Accounting in Latvia and sent it to a Journal... We will see what happens in that area!
In addition to that, I finalised the preparations for my presentation on Thursday (on the relationship between Generational Accounting and Migration in Italy). And I went to a class, of course.
In addition to that, someone from ABN AMRO called to solve my frustrations from yesterday! So that is all settled (well, its not, but at least I know what they are doing now. And possibly, I might receive the costs of making a new bankcard back).
I came home at 21.30, but the house is empty. I think everyone may have gone to a concert, but I'm not sure... Oh well, whatever. I wanted to go to bed early anyway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You want to go to bed early but you are still on the internet at midnight?


But....... I am surprised. The ABN is actually capable of finding the flaws in their organisation nowadays. Next thing you are going to tell us that they actually sent you the PIN number and that you actually received it......

..... nooooohh..... not going to happen :D