Second, I arrived at Uni just after 9AM to do Tabellini-related shit. When I left, some time after 9PM, I was still doing Tabellini-related shit. Seriously.
More precisely, I was working on a problem set for most of the day. And I also did a presentation during a reading group. I got absolutely grilled by Tabellini, but I think I came through in the end... So I was very very happy about that (even though I said the methodology of the paper totally sucked, but it turned out to be partly based on work of Tabellini himself. Oops. But I just guess he likes people having a strong, own, opinion...)
I came home and could eat some more food Cedric made (he's on a roll, cooking wise). Now I will go straight to bed, because I need to start studying early tomorrow: Fedor will arrive in the afternoon, and I want to finish some stuff before he arrives.
PS For you unbelievers, I didnt drink anything else than 2 1/2 liters of water today, whether you believe it or not!
PPS How cute is this?

"quote OJ" PS For you unbelievers, I didnt drink anything else than 2 1/2 liters of wine today, whether you believe it or not! "unquote"
We know.... that's what we said.....
No one believes you, not even your own quotes ;)
Wait a minute, I said that I do believe you although it is hard to imagine.
And if this smalltables-guy (I don't know him but apparently he's huge) is impressed by people who have a strong opinion, he has found just the right graduate student (I think it's better this way, cause if he doesn't like your type of person, he still knows what kind of meat is in his bowl).
That is a very cute picture of your nephew! I think he looks a lot like you.
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