Friday, February 24, 2006

Presentation and stuff

This morning I started with a little bit of studying. I tried to read a bit in preparation of my exams as well. The exams will be starting in 10 days, so it is starting to be time to really study!
After lunch (a lovely asparagus pasta... someting I hadnt had before) it was time for our presentations in our class in Fiscal Policy and Economic Integration (that is only the name of the course, it is actually about Migration and the Welfare State), where I was presenting an absolutely SHIT paper of some Italian lady who used Generational Accounting to analyse the influence of migration on the fiscal sustainability of the Italian welfare state. Of course, this sounds very interesting (I know that isnt actually true for the majority of the world population), but it was so poorly executed that it actually became easier to present: there was enough shit to talk about! Some of the other presentations were interesting...
When this class finished at 18.00, I decided that I couldnt be bothered to stay at Uni so I went home. And I finally did manage to Skype with my brother: nice!
PS Gerwin: Dont tell me that came as a surprise to you... The fact that your decision making process is different when you are not the one who is financially responsible for the decision, I mean...

1 comment:

xxxxxxx said...

Yes and no. In the end, it's my money I am spending (if I spend it now, I can't spend it later) although there is enough. I expected to be a bit easier, but to take the 300 euro to Oslo option instead of 140 because you want to fly in the daytime and not spend a night at Gardermoen...

Isn't there an interesting conference about corporate governance at Boconni?