Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Studied today. I actually missed a class because I didnt realise it was being taught... Oops. Oh well, at least I used my time productively, instead!
I also had some more visitors confirming their visits soon! I will now have continuous visitors from March 16 until April 3! The first ones will be my brothers who are arriving March 16, which I am obviously looking forward to!!!
I went home early today (I got home at 20.15) because I wanted to Skype my brother for his birthday. But it first took me half an hour to reinstall everything (mike, Skype, etc), because my computer has been making some trouble. Then when I finally had everything installed, I realised that my brother wasnt online... So it was all useless, anyway... A bit silly, all that...
PS For those living in Holland who might sometimes be looking for cheap flights, this might be a useful link to remember...

1 comment:

xxxxxxx said...

Nice site, OJ, thanks. I just found out that my boss will pay 160 euro more than he should for my trip to Oslo. But then again, he would have to pay an extra night there.

It is indeed true, you buy tickets differently when the boss pays. Like hell departing at 5 in the morning, just pay a bit more!!