Monday, September 19, 2005

Still no closer to any kind of insurance

I got up at 7 today to go the the Questura Centrale, where I wanted to find out what documents I needed to get the Permesso di Soggiorno (permit to stay). I only had to wait for 1 1/2 hours to be told that I needed a whole list of documents. All this despite the assurances other Dutch people gave me on the internet that you really, really only need your passport.
Anyways, the reason why I want the Permesso is because I wil be able to become a Milano citizen, and I will thus be able to get public health insurance, which I do not have right now. Now, to be able to get the Permesso, one of the things I need is.... health insurance!!!! I am not sure how to solve this yet, I will first try and get the other documents and then try with just my "insurance pass" from Holland. Probably, this will not work, after which I will have to try something else. The good thing is that Wednesday, there is a general public transport strike, so I cant go to Uni anyways, so I will simply sit at Questura all day. In addition to that, it might be less busy because people cant get to the Questura (its close to my house, so I can)
After the Questura, I went to Uni to arrange some things and went home afterwards.
Finally, I must say that "when it rains, it pours..." Now that the mail-stream has started flowing, it is coming in quite enthusiastically. Today, I received nine letters and a parcel (I can only pick up the parcel tomorrow, so I dont know what it is yet), which I think is a personal record for me. Mind you, 5 of the nine letters were from my Italian bank, and every single one contained secret codes to do "things" with. Use code X if you want to transfer amounts of money larger than a certain sum, but we wont tell you how large that sum is, if you want to do so via your telephone. etc, etc. FIVE CODES!!! This did include my PIN number, of a pass I dont have (yet, I guess).
ciao, OJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Olaf,

Ik neem mijn gezeur direct terug. Bij mij gaat alles prima in vergelijking met daar in Italie. Zo nu en dan skippen ze weer eens een klasje in het Engels maar er blijven toch nog zeker twee andere Engelse vakken over :-).

Zag net dat je echt elke dag iets plaatst... Jee de piet wat een werk daar kom ik zeker niet aan toe.

Ik zal nog eens kijken of ik nog een emailadres of telefoonnummer van die gaychat club kan krijgen. Was echt te maf voor woorden. Die kerels waren zo blij om een paar Westerlingen te zien. Te teleurstelling was echter des te groten toen er geen belangstelling bleek te zijn... (misschien hebben mensen nog anoniem contact met ze opgenomen)!

Hey succes met het geregel und biss Bald...
