Obviously I could not arrange much else, because to open e.g. a bank account, I do need a codice fiscale. So I went to the shops instead and bought new speakers for my computer and a webcam. Now everyone can communicate with my via my webcam. Or via Skype, which I also installed...
Tonight, I invited my friend Nina over, whom I have known since Highschool and who also lives in Milano. We had aperitivo at my place and went out for dinner at Naviglio. Lovely cocktails, with some food to the side (Does it make sense that huge cocktails are only 5 or 6 euros and you get buffet free food with it, while after 10pm the food disappears and the cocktails become more expensive????) I didnt think it was very logical... And I still think its not.
ciao everyone,
PS Look what my Mother sent me: A picture from my graduation...:

And she also sent me a picture of my niece and nephew, Leah and Daan:

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Hi OJ, how annoying that all those people are spamming your blog!! Hope you have a great time, just hold on untill all the paperwork is done, then it can only get better! Very cute picture of your nephew and niece :) Hope to talk to you soon,
Yo Olaf,
Zier er naar uit dat we door de zelfde bureaucratische shit heen moeten. Voor een visa moet je je studentenkaart hebben voor je telefoon je visa en voor je visa 6000 pasfoto's, nog meer stempels en nog heel erg veel meer geduld.
Maar je hebt het vast goed daar in Italie...
Zal je weblog volgen en spreek je wel weer op msn of via skype.
he olaf
leuke foto's en ik ben zo blij dat ik rood haar zie! :) al die doemscenario's over uitsterven enzo. kwatsch!
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