Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Today, I stayed in bed late and chilled out on the terrace afterwards. The weather was lovely again, so I tried to work on my tan a bit... At 15.00, I met with Bjoern and Silvia at Duomo, because Silvia was going to help us getting a student-ticket for the public transport. It was a good thing, she came along, because we would have miserable failed... As Bjoern and I tried to explain another guy: No, of course you can't buy a metro ticket, if you do not have a codice fiscale. This guy didnt have one, and didnt know what it was. So we told him to go to the codice fiscale office, but to take his Permesso di Soggiorno, because you need a residence permit to get a fiscal code to be able to get a metro ticket. And do not tell me, this does not make sense to you!!! (Permesso Soggiorno means having to get up at 3AM to start queueing, and it may still take up to 4 days: its an absolute joke)
But anyways, after 2 hours, we did manage to get the metroticket, so now I can travel all public transport in Milan for only 17 EUR per month. And once we finished the fifth queue (I am not kidding. You queue to get into another queue, just so you can get into another one, etc), it turned out that the guy at the desk even spoke some english. In fact, he had been to Utrecht once and was now able to say "Snoezepoes", which I found rather surprising...
After the successful attempt at the Public Transport Authority, Silvia and I made our first try at te Muncipality. I want to be signed in and become an official Italian resident, to make sure that I am eligible to receive Medicare. Of course, the office was closed. So we will try again, because we have a 4 hour break between our classes anyway...
ciao, OJ

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