Saturday, March 04, 2006

Studying makes the world go round

Another long day of Migration economics and its influence on the welfare state, and third century Sethian Gnosticism... (interesting combination, btw). But I went home early, because I wanted to be able to go to the Supermarket before closing time (9PM). When I came home and I had dinner, I attacked the oven. After spending nearly 2 hours on cleaning it, I gave up. The oven won, but it was a hardfought battle!
Also, the antagonist came home. But, since the entire house is no longer on speaking terms with that person, the person decided to depart from us again. At least, I got my stuff back that was borrowed (after I asked for it, repeatedly)...
PS I have developed my own 4-step-programme of studying: QTMA... It is perfect for summarising a paper: Question, Theory, Methodology, Answer (what do they ask, why do they ask, how do they ask and what is the answer)... I feel like the AA (with its 12-step programme).


Marieke said...

I think you should apply for a patent for the QTMA-system. Sounds like it could really work!
Where were you when I was in college? I might have finished my degree if I had known about your system. Actually, I think it's your fault I quit my studies.
Well, as long as it works for you...



xxxxxxx said...

QTMA=full paper - useless sections

I don't see the brilliance of the system, but hey, I have come up with theories nobody believed too (99% correctly so, probably).

Is there also a short-term version of QTMA called ABSTRACT?

It is not the system as such that surprises me, what does surprise me is how you can keep to this commitment strategy of 12 hours of study per day.