Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Second Quarter...

Last night, it was a quiet, relaxing night at home, eating some leftovers I could find. My new way of saving money is to not buy anything and just try to combine anything I can find in my cupboard... (I inherited a filled cupboard from my predecessor in the house, with lots of random products).
Finally I was able to eat something, at least.
Today I went to Uni again, to start the second term. at 11AM, I had my first Game Theory class by Mr. Battigalli... He tried to scare us badly by saying how difficult everything was gonna be and how impossible it was to pass for the course. But in my opinion, the most difficult part of the course is understanding him! His english is probably good, just completely incomprehensible due to his Italinglish... Normally, I would supplement a lecture like this with reading whats on the whiteboard, but that is totally impossible as well!!! His handwriting is possibly even worse than his speaking!!! Well, after that it was time for lunch and then everybody had to go back to their takehome exams, whose deadline was today at 17.30... Total stress all over the place! At 14.30 I had my second class of the day. It was a class in Corporate Finance, which I only decided to follow a few days ago. I was told it was a ridiculously easy course, perfect for filling up empty space in you curriculum. So I (and 5 others) decided to do it anyway. The teach was quite shocked to see 10 students, instead of the expected 4, but taught a great class! It was very understandable and vaguely interesting... As well as very easy, as promised. Now, before people start calling me a slacker, I want to clarify this. Of course, as a PhD it is not my only goal in life to simply find the easiest courses, but the most interesting courses. But, as a lot of my favourite courses have been cancelled this year, I will actually have to do 3 or 4 courses i really DONT want to do... And I can then try to do difficult ones (like the NumMeth class I just dropped out of), or just do an easy one... Well, my choice is clear. If I dont want to do the course anyway, I prefer to do an easy course I dont want...
Tonight, we will go for aperitivo and some drinks in town, to celebrate the end of the exam period!

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