Thursday, November 03, 2005

Leaving at 7PM isnt early!

Yesterday, I was at Uni once more all day. Working on Latvian inequality. When I left at 7PM, everybody looked at me as if I was crazy for leaving so early. It is interesting to see that people think you're lazy if you leave at 7PM, even though none of them arrive before 10.30AM... Most people sort of wander in around noon. It makes sense to continue working until 9PM then, but if you get to uni at 9 or 9.30, I do find it reasonable to leave at 7PM. Right? Anyways, I went home, enjoyed myself at home and watched a movie... It was very pleasant (not the movie though: Robots is a total rip-off of Monsters Inc.)
This morning, when I was making breakfast, I actually ran into Cedric, who had only just returned from going out... How depressing.
At least I have nearly finished my paper for my only class... Some others are going completely crazy. Like people who work until 6 or 7AM (which would explain why they dont come to uni at 9AM)... Oh well, after Tuesday, when the final takehomes have to be handed in, everybody will be able to get some rest again. Or, on the other hand, on Tuesday the next block starts already and our first classes will be taught.
ciao, OJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually you're not right at all: it's perfectly normal to start at 9 AM and work until 10 PM. I guess you're just not as good a student as I am ;-)or have been for at least two days this week anyway... I can't wait for you to come to the Netherlands. I'm picking you up from the airport with loads of hugs and kisses, ciao bello!