Sunday, November 20, 2005

Back in da hood....

Well, that was certainly an enervating week... I know people think I drink a lot, but being in Holland for a week makes me realise I dont drink that much at all!!! Sitting in the pub for days in a row sorting starts to hit me by now... As does the lack of sleep.
Friday was another day of running around between people... But it was nice to see people again of course. At the end of the afternoon, Jorryt and I went to pick up the birthday present we selected for Esther... After this whole exercise, I waited for Fedor to arrive and together with the others we went to Esther, with our present:

Esther, unfortunately didnt particularly appreciate her present. Possibly, this is because the sofa is actually nearly the size of her entire room...

However, I just spoke to her on MSN and she finally agreed that it was a very nice present, and it made its way into the communal room of her house...
After Esthers, we went to town to start some heavy partying. With lots of alcohol involved, once again, of course!
The next morning, Fedor and I had to get up relatively early (too early, if you ask him), because we wanted to see the whole family before going to Nijmegen again. So we did. And at the same time, my Big Brother Lars (aka the Computer Doctor) repaired my laptop. This was highly necessary, because by now, it had slowed down to a near standstill. But he cured it very well and it is now working completely fine again!!! After all the family in Groningen, we went to Nijmegen to have dinner at Fedors fathers house. It was very nice, as always, although the evening took an interesting turn when Fedors little brother came home "ill".
This morning, we got up early again, because we were supposed to be at the airport in Eindhoven early. Unfortunately, Ryanair didnt feel like being on time... Which basically means that I spent 2 1/2 hours waiting for the airplane.
I was actually happy to come back to Milan (to come home), although I will obviously miss Fedor again, but it is simply nice to be home. The weather is also significantly better than it is in Holland. Until now at least. The weather forecast actually says that it will start snowing on Thursday and the maximum temperature will remain below 0.
ciao, OJ

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