Thursday, November 10, 2005


Wow! After that night of going out on Tuesday, when we ended up in an actual Birreria, I stayed in bed a little later than normal. Of course, at 11 I had to go to my first class in Development and Institutions. It is an absolutely great (very interesting) class and the teacher is awesome!!! A very pretty, young, Harvard graduate, who has worked with all top people and is also a mother of two! The most amazing feature, however, is the fact that she actually speaks understandable english too! At the end of the day, I had another class in Corporate Finance (fantastic, I am doing a PhD course at the level of Brealy, Marcus & Myers... So far: uber-easy!).
Last night, Cedric was going to DJ in Gasoline, a very famous club in Milan. So I made sure that there would be some of my PhD people. In fact, we were going to have a little pre-party at my place, because the club is 3 minutes away from here. Typically Italian, it is not possible to have a LITTLE pre-party, so we ended up with having about 15 people arriving here at midnight (sorry, neighbours on all sides.....) and we had a quick drinking session, before going to the club! The club was absolutely amazing!!! The sound system was astounding, the lighting very good and of course great music!!! At about 3.30 we left the club and Bjoern and I went back to my flat. He had taken his luggage to my place, because he needed to catch a plane this morning to Berlin. So we had some more drinks at home and then I walked him to Central Station (I dont know why I did that, I think it was the alcohol deciding that...) I came home at around 5AM and spoke to Cedric for some time. After that, I completely passed out until jumping out of my bed at 10, as I missed my alarm. And I did have to be in class at 11 again, until 4PM. Lets say, it wasnt fun. My physical state wasnt really capable of translating Battigalis Italinglish into something understandable, so that was quite useless to be there... Tonight, I have just been home, still feeling completely fucked.
ciao (37 hours until I see Fedor again!!!),

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Goed dat ik niks meer lees over bureaucratische postbeambten en dat soort gespuis. Het zal wel betekenen dat je alle rompslomp zo’n beetje achter de rug hebt en eindelijk bezig bent met serieuze dingen… Okay dat je een PhD aan het doen bent met een boek van Brealy, Marcus & Myers is een beetje een teleurstelling voor mij. Ik heb zelfs dat vak in een keer gehaald. Dat wil dus zeggen dat zelfs ik misschien wel een PhD zou kunnen doen en dat lijkt mij toch niet echt de bedoeling. Ik bedoel je moet op een gegeven moment wel een beetje het kaf van het koren scheiden, toch? ;-)

Ben verder nog steeds erg jaloers dat jij je soulmate zo vaak ziet en ik de mijne nog lang niet!

Succes verder,
