And it was quite OK. Standing up (or walking) for a longer time is still nog great, but overall, it went well! And of course, it was great to see everyone again and be back at Uni. I also managed to get some studying done. Studying at Uni is significantly more comfortabel than at home. After all, there is Air Conditioning at Uni, and the weather is disgusting right now. Abour 33-34 degrees (and up to 37 in the next days), but cloudy and humid: It isnt even possible to get a tan right now because of the clouds! So being in an air-con area is very pleasant...
Also, I went to see a flat today, that I found on the internet. After all, Fedor and I will need a flat to live in when he is moving to Milano (in August: only 6 weeks from now!). And I now know, that the flat I went to see today will NOT be the flat where we will live. It was a bilocale (2-room flat), but it was about 33 square meters. REALLY, really small, that is. And even though everything was new and gorgeous, it was definitely not worth the money they were asking (about 1000 all inclusive a month). But it was a good orientation on the Housing Market. Generally, I have been orienting for quite a while, and seriously: Milano e cazzo di caro (Milan is FUCKING expensive). Buying a 2-room flat of about 40 square meters will set you back at least 250,000 euros. A 3-room flat is in the order of 400-700,000 euros. That is just insane.
However, I did take the picture today I have been wanting to take for ages. It is my view when I am standing at the tram stop to go to Uni.

Sounds like baby's first steps. Congratulations! Are there more hospital visits planned or is this a permanent signal that you'll be ok till next spring?
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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