Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunny boredom

The past few days have brought so little news, that I could not even be bothered to update my blog. I am at home. I study. I tan. Pretty steady rhythm.
On friday, Meghan made her great specialty: Sushi, which was very lovely. The dinner party itself was small, as it was just the 3 of us and didnt quite end the way it should have ended... (in a fight, that is)
Saturday night, Meghan and I spent the entire evening sitting on the terrace talking. And drinking we realised when the clock hit 1 (and we both thought it was about 10PM): It was very pleasant.
For the rest, I am happy that Holland has won the U21 European Championship: I just wish I was at Uni so I could rub it in people's faces..... Oh well, too bad. I will just have to do that after Holland has won the World Cup! (yeah, right...). At least, I hope Holland will do better than Italy, for obvious reasons!!!!
And yes, this is a sign that I am really, really bored: I start talking about football. I mean, seriously: football. That is just plain wrong... *Sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.