Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Befana everyone!!! The city seemed dead today, it was completely deserted for this holiday. Of course, me and my PhD-friends were at Uni, because we had to study. It was an interesting day of studying, about which I cannot be bothered to elaborate. In between studying, I had contact with my banks. I sent an email to my Italian bank, asking them why there is no progress in my loan-situation. In addition to that, I received 3 phonecalls of my Dutch bank. I want them to send me another new bank card, because the new bankcard that was sent me was lost in the Italian mail... Which reminds me, I have recently discovered a way to increase the probability that a package arrives. You must always add the phone number of the recipient on the address box (how could I have been so stupid that I didnt figure that out myself)...
But anyway, I am now receiving a new bank card again. And I now have an international account team!

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