The rest of the day, I spent at Uni studying. And in this case, when I say studying, I mean "studying, interrupted with a few religious discussions every now and then". That is, I had a religious discussion on a forum and joined a new religion: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
After that, I was actually quite satisfied to be able to sit home and relax at night.
This morning, after I managed to drag myself out of bed, I went to Uni again to study for one of my exams of next week. I left relatively early, because I wanted to enjoy the first day of Sale (I have no money, and running out of clothing desperately: I only had 2 pairs of trousers left)!!! Unfortunately, I hadnt expected shops to close as early as 8PM. So I never even made it to H&M and got stuck spending 37 euros at Celio (for trousers, 2 tshirts and some other shit: not bad, right?).
Tomorrow is another strict all-shops-closed holiday (the Epiphany), so it will be a good day to study. For the rest, I am afraid I will have to wait until after the exams, before I can continue enjoying the Sale (I am actually prioritising)...
Finally, today Meghan returned from the States and we had a celebratory dinner for that. It is great to have her back and to see her so happy!!!
And as a finaly thing, I want to add a few of the pictures Jorryt took when he was here, because they are pretty.

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