In the afternoon, I went to Bergamo airport and flew to Newcastle, where I met up with my friend Matt and Jo, with whom I used to live in Sydney. I hadnt seen Jo for just over 5 years and we hadnt been with the 3 of us together for about 6 years. Jo lives in Auckland, NZ, so she is only in Europe twice a decade, so I wanted to take this opportunity to actually see her.
We stayed in a Traveloge down the Quayside, which was absolutely brilliant. Very affordable and in the middle of all the clubs and bars. We chatted for a long time, had some Indian dinner and then hit the town. Went to a few bars and a club. It was lovely!
On Sunday, we were all very hungover and didnt get out of the room until 1PM. After a good brunch, we brought Matt to the station, because he had to go home again (his journey cost 3 times as much as mine: train travel in the UK sucks)
Matt had to work again today, so he had to get back to Coventry, and afterwards Jo and I quickly went shopping (bought the jeans I wanted in the first shop I went in to. So much better shopping in the UK than in Milano). At night, we had a quick bite and met up with Jo's friends Kirsty and Allan, with whom we went to the Cinema to watch Brokeback Mountain. It wasnt actually as good as I had expected it to be, unfortunately... But we had fun anyway.
Today, we got up earlier and went to the Baltic (the Newcastle version of the Tate Gallery). Afterwards I walked Jo to the station and waited around for a bit longer, before going back to the Airport. Smooth fligh back and now I am home again.
PS Thanks everyone for your cards and emails etc for my bday. But I really dont celebrate it...
PPS I have some more pictures I want to add, but I will do that in a separate post.
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