Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tapperij @ Milano

Yesterday was the final day of courses in the second quarter! It felt like a relief, to be honest. And to celebrate this, we had a little end-of-courses-celebration last night. A little Aperitivo and then back to my place to do some drinking. And finally, we went out to Loolapaloosa (or something like that). It was interesting, to say the least... I hadnt been there before, even though it is very close (at the end of my street), but it was basically the same as the Tapperij in Groningen. Except bigger. And more expensive. And with girls dancing on the bar. Interesting, to say the least...... :-)
Early this morning, Bjoern was flying to Germany again. Which was another reason why we had to go out last night, because he had to get to the airport early, so he went straight from the bar to Central Station. Of course I was drunk enough to think it would be a good idea to walk with him to the station... So at 5AM I finally returned, drunk as fuck. I woke up with a splitting headache, but not so strong that a little pink happy pill cant cure!! (ibuprofen, just before anyone gets the wrong idea). And now I am waiting for Jorryt and Lilian to arrive. Which they should have already, strangely enough...... Oh well, I'll find out whether they are lost soon enough, I guess.
ciao, OJ


xxxxxxx said...

Please be careful showing these countryside people around Big Milano, Olaf. And, of course, have a wonderful christmas party.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your glamorous Christmas card! Ik zie dat je niet meer zovaak een bericht plaats op je blog… Ik vroeg me al af waar je de tijd en energy vandaan haalde om dit te doen. Dacht al bijna dat je niks beter te doen had daar in Milaan ;-).

Tot snel? Ik kom namelijk al 11 januari weer naar Nederland. Als je er dan ook eens bent moeten we weer eens biertjes drinken met iedereen die nog in Grunn is!
