Thursday, December 08, 2005

15 hours and counting...

Yesterday, I just studied and tried to finish some work. But as I also had some classes in between, I didnt manage to get a lot done. And at night I decided to chill out at home, even though it was actually the last day of the week...
The reason for that is that today was San Ambrogio!!! Happy San Ambrogio everyone! I actually have no idea whether you can say that to people, but it is something that is celebrated extensively in Milan. After all, San Ambrogio is the protector of Milan... And tomorrow is the day of the Immaculate Conception (not the Collection, really), which is another day of celebration, and thus of closed shops and general festivities. As a bonus, we are also getting Friday off, so that is why the week is already over.
I did go to Uni today, however, because I still hadnt finished the things I need to finish before Tuesday, and tomorrow Fedor will arrive!!! Now, after working a few hours, I still havent finished my work, but I am getting closer! At least, I am ready to receive Fedor and to make sure we will be having a luvely time together!!! I cannot wait...
ciao, OJ
PS I have also come into Xmas mood now. I have started buying a few little xmas decorations. I wont be buying a lot this year though, because I unfortunately dont have the money to do so. The same goes for Xmas presents and cards. None of these this year: no money!

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