Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Medical shit in Italy 2

Spent all morning queueing and paying in hospitals, basically. The first queues were just to be able get the results of the ultrasound from yesterday, but then I went to the real hospital. Waiting, waiting, waiting in order to meet the "surgeon", who concluded that I had an ernia inguinale (Yes, I did indeed already know that). After making it through that red tape, I made it to the actual desk where the make appointments for operations.
I found a lovely doctor to translate for me and she felt so sorry for me, that she decided that she was willing to cut me up next Tuesday. Or so I thought. She then realised that it was my second ernia inguinale and had to give up on operating next week. Apparently, a repeated ernia is more difficult to operate and she didnt have the time to do so next week. So now I am in the normal system: on the waiting list, waiting for a phone call. And this will probably take FOUR TO SIX WEEKS!!!! Which sucks, because I am really, really not comfortable...
I tried to study this afternoon, but had to give up at one point. Not very convenient for the exam I will have on Monday. And of course my (very important) field exams that are going to take place in June!


xxxxxxx said...

It seem like She thinks you only work well under pressure and since you are overdisciplined herself She just increases the pressure every year. As you have always claimed, She must really hate you.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.