At night, I had my graduation and goodbye party. I got extremely drunk but it was sooo much fun. I really enjoyed it and I want to thank everyone for their presence, as well as their presents...
I had an absolutely great time. The next day, however, I did not have such a great time (just like some other people, btw). On Sunday, I started packing all my belongings and had an absolutely lovely dinner at the Boccachio restaurant with BarD's parents. That was simply gorgeous...
I spent Monday moving my stuff, even though a lot of it had been picked up by friends, who wanted to have things. The rest of my belongings went to my parents house for storage...
(I am giving a quick account, because my battery is nearly flat...)
Today I went to Amsterdam to go to the Italian Consulate in Amsterdam for some formalities. Unfortunately, the consulate closes at noon (which is not published on the website) and I got there at 10 past noon. Bastards...
Oh well, I will go again on Friday, because Thursday the consulate will be closed and tomorrow I will finish moving out of my house. It does make me feel sad to see the stripped house without furniture. And I have started to see the advantages of removal services: I HATE MOVING.
Well, I have some battery power left so I have time to post some pictures from the party:

Hai Olaf, jaja er stond vandaag inderdaad een stukje over je in de krant. Mèt foto. De nieuwe Duisenberg...
De nieuwe Duisenberg.... Nee, Fe en de Palestijnen, vervolgens zowat ontslagen worden om een verspreking in één zinnetje, en dan na een leven lang hard werken dood erbij neervallen. Het leven van een Friesche volksjongen; ik wens het je niet toe.
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