Sunday, July 02, 2006

Picture Problem

I am having trouble posting picures, but I am not entirely sure why. I had the same problem yesterday, when I had a final party picture I wanted to add, but didnt manage. Today I wanted to add some extra pictures of the flowers on our terrace, but the whole picture-adding-situation is rather shit. I am going to try and solve it and then I will add them later.
Today, I was at Uni to study all day. Unfortunately, on Sundays we are not supposed to work. The University makes it very clear that is what they think: In winter, there is no heating on Sunday and in Summer, there is no air conditioning. So it was a hot and sweaty day there!
But, I did get a fair bit of work done, so I am rather satisfied with myself. Now, I will try and see if I can solve the picture-situation. If so, I will post more pictures later.

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