Recently, I havent been posting much, but that is mainly because I have nothing to say. I spent my days at Uni, kinda working, but mainly hiding from the heat. I do some work, but little else. The only exciting thing I did this week was a Polish vodka night on Tuesday, which basically consisted of drinking rather copious amounts of Polish vodka. And it also reminded me how happy I was to be moving to the other part of the city, because the 45 minute walk home after the party wasnt fun. At all. Neither was trying to sleep in the horrific heat, after going to bed at 5.45AM. Didnt really work of course, so I felt fcked all day long the next day.
Furthermore, I have been preparing (psychologically and otherwise) to moving on Tuesday. I cannot wait!!!! Well actually, I cannot wait till the moment that I have actually finished moving. I hate moving. Especially in the heat: it will be hell. But it's gonna be great to have moved!!!
The final interesting thing that happened today is that I finally solved my referees' problems. I received two referee reports a while ago about an article and both suggested basically the same change to my paper. However, their suggestion would have 1) led to an extremely inconvenient and large amount of extra work and 2) would not really have been possible because I do not completely have all the necessary data to follow up on the suggestion. Also, it was a suggestion that has never been followed up in the general literature about the subject (which the referees were obviously unfamiliar with). And today, after one month of thinking, I FINALLY thought of a watertight argument why the additional calculations they asked for are not necessary. So instead of using a lame "but-that-would-be-so-much-work"-excuse, I can now prove that their suggestion is stupid! I am ECSTATIC!!!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Saturday night, Meghan came to visit. We had quite a few drinks, and a little aperitivo, and some more drinks, and some more drinks. Obviously, as a result of that, I didnt really feel like going to Portofino on Sunday, as I had planned. Instead, I decided to go to Como, to rest and cool down. After all, on Sundays, there is not air conditioning at University, so I needed to find something else to do.
Also, on Saturday, I discovered that the cleaner at University threw out all my notes for one of the research projects I was working on: I am not happy. And I AM frustrated... Goddammit.
Today, a little work, some background research on what I am going to be doing next year. And I found my perfect topic. Something that is HOT. Something that is totally happening at the Worldbank right now. Something that everyone is working on right now... Yes, I am happy about that.
Also, on Saturday, I discovered that the cleaner at University threw out all my notes for one of the research projects I was working on: I am not happy. And I AM frustrated... Goddammit.
Today, a little work, some background research on what I am going to be doing next year. And I found my perfect topic. Something that is HOT. Something that is totally happening at the Worldbank right now. Something that everyone is working on right now... Yes, I am happy about that.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Year one: done
Today I heard I passed for my Political Economics Field Exam as well!!! That means that I have finished my first year. Again, the grade wasnt great, a Pass, but in this case, I am simply happy to have passed... And to be among the minority who has passed all their courses at the first attempt!
Additionally, I went to see Laurent, the new landlord, yesterday. And we arranged some minor matters that we still had to discuss. Even though I havent actually signed the contract yet, because he needed these details first, it is all settled. And he seems like a really nice and trustworthy guy. So I am very, very happy!!! All this, of course, wouldnt have been possible without the help of my Polish friend Dominica, who speaks proper Italian and has translated a lot of times for me (and made a lot of phonecalls too!!!)
Of course, now that we are sure to have a flat, this is also an excuse to make real purchases for the house too. The (new) kitchen will not have kitchenware, which is fine, because we have it already. But, in order to survive the first month, we do need some things (our stuff wont arrive until the end of august). So I went to a fabulous shop yesterday, which happened to be in its last days of a closing down sale. And I got some brandname kitchen knives, and a pan, for practically nothing! I was momentarily doubting about the set of 3 glasses that had a 90% discount. But when I realised that 12 euros was the (after discount) price for THREE glasses, I thought better of it. I am not surprised the shop has one bankrupt, I should add...
As for the rest of the time, I spent all days at Uni doing some research. And hiding from the heat, as temperatures have now risen to the upper upper thirties (or lower forties, depending on which website you consult) and the University offices have airconditing...
Additionally, I went to see Laurent, the new landlord, yesterday. And we arranged some minor matters that we still had to discuss. Even though I havent actually signed the contract yet, because he needed these details first, it is all settled. And he seems like a really nice and trustworthy guy. So I am very, very happy!!! All this, of course, wouldnt have been possible without the help of my Polish friend Dominica, who speaks proper Italian and has translated a lot of times for me (and made a lot of phonecalls too!!!)
Of course, now that we are sure to have a flat, this is also an excuse to make real purchases for the house too. The (new) kitchen will not have kitchenware, which is fine, because we have it already. But, in order to survive the first month, we do need some things (our stuff wont arrive until the end of august). So I went to a fabulous shop yesterday, which happened to be in its last days of a closing down sale. And I got some brandname kitchen knives, and a pan, for practically nothing! I was momentarily doubting about the set of 3 glasses that had a 90% discount. But when I realised that 12 euros was the (after discount) price for THREE glasses, I thought better of it. I am not surprised the shop has one bankrupt, I should add...
As for the rest of the time, I spent all days at Uni doing some research. And hiding from the heat, as temperatures have now risen to the upper upper thirties (or lower forties, depending on which website you consult) and the University offices have airconditing...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Good things
Yesterday, I celebrated my Blogger Birthday. I just turned 1, as a blogger... How cool is that? For the rest, things seem to be going well. The owner of the flat told me all was well (but I dont trust anyone anymore until I sign a contract: I will see him on Friday), so I guess I have a plac to move to in 2 weeks.
Also, I have finally received the first grade of one of my field exams (the resit, which I took on my own. And it took them 2 weeks to correct it!!!). I received a Pass, which is not very good. But at least, I passed. And considering the fact that, at least for one of the exercises, my question was waaaaaaay more difficult than in the original exam, and because of that question I was actually a bit worried about the final result, I am quite relieved to have passed it. That was my Public Economics Field Exam. Now, the long wait starts for the result of my Political Economics Field Exam.... *sigh*
Also, I have finally received the first grade of one of my field exams (the resit, which I took on my own. And it took them 2 weeks to correct it!!!). I received a Pass, which is not very good. But at least, I passed. And considering the fact that, at least for one of the exercises, my question was waaaaaaay more difficult than in the original exam, and because of that question I was actually a bit worried about the final result, I am quite relieved to have passed it. That was my Public Economics Field Exam. Now, the long wait starts for the result of my Political Economics Field Exam.... *sigh*
Monday, July 17, 2006
Flats, flats, flats
Today I found out that the Bitch Landlady didnt want me: FUCK.
Of course this put me into panic mode and flathunting mode... I went to see 3 flats today. One cute little thing with a fireplace, a balcony and about 50 square meters, quite far down the Naviglio Grande: Nice, but not quite nice enough.
Another one I saw was big (55-60 square meters), nicely done, nice floors, nice balcony. But in a very bad area (Naviglio area, but not very nice), with many foreigners (and shootings etc) in the area. Also, very noisy area and a bit more expensive then other places. But even though the flat looks very nice, the thing that tipped the balance was the kitchen: Small, messy and unpleasant.
The final one I saw today, which I hope to be take was right between the Naviglio Grande and the Pta Genova Metro Station (both about 100 meters away) and is a small, very cute, flat looking out on the Naviglio Church. Located at the top floor of a central courtyard, it is in the process of renovation right now. In fact, the kitchen isnt there yet and the rooms still needs to be furnished... But it does have a great (working) fireplace and is built in such a way that the sleeping area is a large area above the bathroom and kitchen. Basically, this adds an extra 8 m2 or so to the amount of living space and then it really is not bad at all. I am very excited about this flat, and it is actually significantly nicer than the flat I finally didnt get. It is a bit more expensive (850 plus additional costs, which will add up to about 950-1000 euros), but it is very cute. And the location is simply PERFECT.
So, I am quite happy (even though I am not sure whether I will indeed get it). Btw, another little funny thing today was the fact that the current tenant of the second flat I saw will actually move to the flat I am not getting. What are the chances of that? He opened the door and said "hey, I know you. We have met..." And it turned out we met at the elevator at the Via Terulliano flat..... Freaky....
Today I found out that the Bitch Landlady didnt want me: FUCK.
Of course this put me into panic mode and flathunting mode... I went to see 3 flats today. One cute little thing with a fireplace, a balcony and about 50 square meters, quite far down the Naviglio Grande: Nice, but not quite nice enough.
Another one I saw was big (55-60 square meters), nicely done, nice floors, nice balcony. But in a very bad area (Naviglio area, but not very nice), with many foreigners (and shootings etc) in the area. Also, very noisy area and a bit more expensive then other places. But even though the flat looks very nice, the thing that tipped the balance was the kitchen: Small, messy and unpleasant.
The final one I saw today, which I hope to be take was right between the Naviglio Grande and the Pta Genova Metro Station (both about 100 meters away) and is a small, very cute, flat looking out on the Naviglio Church. Located at the top floor of a central courtyard, it is in the process of renovation right now. In fact, the kitchen isnt there yet and the rooms still needs to be furnished... But it does have a great (working) fireplace and is built in such a way that the sleeping area is a large area above the bathroom and kitchen. Basically, this adds an extra 8 m2 or so to the amount of living space and then it really is not bad at all. I am very excited about this flat, and it is actually significantly nicer than the flat I finally didnt get. It is a bit more expensive (850 plus additional costs, which will add up to about 950-1000 euros), but it is very cute. And the location is simply PERFECT.
So, I am quite happy (even though I am not sure whether I will indeed get it). Btw, another little funny thing today was the fact that the current tenant of the second flat I saw will actually move to the flat I am not getting. What are the chances of that? He opened the door and said "hey, I know you. We have met..." And it turned out we met at the elevator at the Via Terulliano flat..... Freaky....
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Ciao Marike and Marjolijn
Well, today Marike and Marjolijn left to Venezia. They are friends of Fedor who stayed with me for four days. They mostly entertained themselves, while I was at Uni, and at night we enjoyed some nice dinners.
For the rest, as I said, I have spent most of my time at Uni: working on a paper. And trying to save my laptop. I have partly succeeded in this last thing. I saved my most important data and the computer works again. A little, tiny bit, that is. Half of Windows is now working and there are 2 programmes that run in Windows: Internet Explorer and Winamp (to listen to music). For the rest, nothing works. No MSN, not Media players, no access to Windows Security settings, no nothing. Oh well, I am already glad I saved my data and I can use the internet at home. What else could I possibly wish for?
In other relevant news, I met the possible new landlady yesterday. Apparently, she STILL has not made a decision who she wants in the flat, but she is now only doubting between me and one other person. On Monday, I wil finally know for sure! I did already have a look at the contract (four years... OMG... But with a 6-month cancellation period if you want to get rid of it earlier). I also realised I may have been drunk when I went to see the flat the first time, because it looked different in my memory than it did now. The gorgeous wooden floors in the entire appartment, were not actually there, for example. Does that make me completely insane? Only the bedroom has a gorgeous wooden floor, while the living room is simply tiled. Oh well, we will see: At least it is cheap! And I have looked around and there are many other flats available still too. So if the Landlady decides to say no, I will just get something else!
Anyways, time for my afternoon nap (I am having a day off work today), please think happy thoughts for me... (as the Italians would say to wish luck to a person: 'in the ass of the whale!', to which I would say 'I hope he doesnt shit!!!!')
For the rest, as I said, I have spent most of my time at Uni: working on a paper. And trying to save my laptop. I have partly succeeded in this last thing. I saved my most important data and the computer works again. A little, tiny bit, that is. Half of Windows is now working and there are 2 programmes that run in Windows: Internet Explorer and Winamp (to listen to music). For the rest, nothing works. No MSN, not Media players, no access to Windows Security settings, no nothing. Oh well, I am already glad I saved my data and I can use the internet at home. What else could I possibly wish for?
In other relevant news, I met the possible new landlady yesterday. Apparently, she STILL has not made a decision who she wants in the flat, but she is now only doubting between me and one other person. On Monday, I wil finally know for sure! I did already have a look at the contract (four years... OMG... But with a 6-month cancellation period if you want to get rid of it earlier). I also realised I may have been drunk when I went to see the flat the first time, because it looked different in my memory than it did now. The gorgeous wooden floors in the entire appartment, were not actually there, for example. Does that make me completely insane? Only the bedroom has a gorgeous wooden floor, while the living room is simply tiled. Oh well, we will see: At least it is cheap! And I have looked around and there are many other flats available still too. So if the Landlady decides to say no, I will just get something else!
Anyways, time for my afternoon nap (I am having a day off work today), please think happy thoughts for me... (as the Italians would say to wish luck to a person: 'in the ass of the whale!', to which I would say 'I hope he doesnt shit!!!!')
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Well, well, well, wasnt that a crazy weekend! On Friday, Ellen and Kim arrived for the weekend. Of course it was great to see them again and we enjoyed some leisure at home, because it was actually raining (!!!). At night, we had aperitivo in the Naviglio and visited the Fontanella. On Saturday, more leisure activities were planned, such as shopping and visiting Duomo. A rather unfortunate addition to that is the fact that my laptop gave up and died. That is, it refuses to start at all now. It should not be necessary to say that this is not a good thing!!!
On Sunday, we visited the Cimitero and Hightech, where Kim and Ellen bought some gorgeous things (and it was all on sale).
At night, of course, there was The Match. We watched in a bar in Naviglio, together with some of my friends.

After the penalty kicks that "we" so amazingly won (!!!!!!!!!), we walked towards Duomo. Crazy, crazy scenes!!!

From Youtube, I also found this little movie:
Unfortunately, Ellen and Kim had to leave early next morning, so we didnt stay out very late. We did, however, get lost on the way home (as a resulting of entering Parco Sempione, but they would not let us out anymore). So we finally didnt arrive home until 2AM. But that was enough to get some sleep before getting up early to bring the grrrls back to the Station and back to the Airport. I spent the rest of the day at Uni, trying to recuperate my laptop. To no avail, unfortunately, sofar.
Last night, I finally managed to meet up with a Dutch girl I know from the Internet who is doing an internship in Milano. We had great fun and quite a few drinks!
Today, finally, is another day of attempting to recuperate my laptop. I did find out that it is probably the victim of a virus........
On Sunday, we visited the Cimitero and Hightech, where Kim and Ellen bought some gorgeous things (and it was all on sale).
At night, of course, there was The Match. We watched in a bar in Naviglio, together with some of my friends.

After the penalty kicks that "we" so amazingly won (!!!!!!!!!), we walked towards Duomo. Crazy, crazy scenes!!!

From Youtube, I also found this little movie:
Unfortunately, Ellen and Kim had to leave early next morning, so we didnt stay out very late. We did, however, get lost on the way home (as a resulting of entering Parco Sempione, but they would not let us out anymore). So we finally didnt arrive home until 2AM. But that was enough to get some sleep before getting up early to bring the grrrls back to the Station and back to the Airport. I spent the rest of the day at Uni, trying to recuperate my laptop. To no avail, unfortunately, sofar.
Last night, I finally managed to meet up with a Dutch girl I know from the Internet who is doing an internship in Milano. We had great fun and quite a few drinks!
Today, finally, is another day of attempting to recuperate my laptop. I did find out that it is probably the victim of a virus........
Thursday, July 06, 2006
FORZA AZZURRI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crazy, crazy week. Of course, I needed to be studying hard for te first days of the week, but there was also a bit of time for other things. Firstly, I had to (get someone to) call the landlady of the flat I want: She was supposed to get in touch with me "at the end of last week", but when I hadnt heard anything by Monday, I decided it was time to call her. It turned out that she had sent me a message, which simply hadnt arrived! Unfortunately, she took the absence of any response from my side as a sign that I didnt want the flat anymore, so she started looking again. Now that I finally did get in touch with her, she had already left Milano again and made new appointments with people to come and see the appartment!!!
After clearing up this issue, I got in touch with her via e-mail (she writes very good english, it turned out: probably speaks it too), and she said she was going to make a decision about who gets the flat this week. Now, today she replied to me that we could meet up in Milano next week. I hink that implies that she principally chooses me for the flat, under the condition that she actually likes me. But I am not entirely sure.
However, in addition to this studying and the crazy flat-situation, there was also The Match: Italia-Germania... on Tuesday. We watched it in a bar at the Naviglio and when the match was finally decided (in the 119th bloody minute!), the city exploded with joy. These are two videos I found on the Internet about the celebrations in Milano:
Please note, this was the SEMIFINAL. The final will be even crazier!!! It took me a long time to get home through this madness, but of course I did need to: my final Field Exam was the next morning!
The Field Exam went reasonably. I have done better in the past, but I have also done worse. I probably did pass, although I am not 100$% sure about it.
At night, we (me and two others who did a resit) obviously had to celebrate the end of our exams. And we had to watch the other semifinal that decided who will be the opponent on Sunday (fcking French, bleeeh). So we had another aperitivo, and some beers afterwards. By this time, there were only two of us left (me and Astrid) and we decided that we want to go dancing somewhere. Unfortunately, everything turned out to be closed! We did spend a total of 75 euros on bloody taxi fare, though!!! Which really is a lot, considering how cheap taxis are here! The worst thing is that we finally did fail in finding a club to go dancing and I ended up at home at around 3.30AM.
Today, I have done my post-exam cleaning and laundry etc... Always good to make a fresh start after an exam, right?
And of course I had to clear out my mess before Kim and Ellen arrive: Tomorrow!!!
They are very lucky, as the temperature has gone down significantly. Only 28 degrees today!!!!
After clearing up this issue, I got in touch with her via e-mail (she writes very good english, it turned out: probably speaks it too), and she said she was going to make a decision about who gets the flat this week. Now, today she replied to me that we could meet up in Milano next week. I hink that implies that she principally chooses me for the flat, under the condition that she actually likes me. But I am not entirely sure.
However, in addition to this studying and the crazy flat-situation, there was also The Match: Italia-Germania... on Tuesday. We watched it in a bar at the Naviglio and when the match was finally decided (in the 119th bloody minute!), the city exploded with joy. These are two videos I found on the Internet about the celebrations in Milano:
Please note, this was the SEMIFINAL. The final will be even crazier!!! It took me a long time to get home through this madness, but of course I did need to: my final Field Exam was the next morning!
The Field Exam went reasonably. I have done better in the past, but I have also done worse. I probably did pass, although I am not 100$% sure about it.
At night, we (me and two others who did a resit) obviously had to celebrate the end of our exams. And we had to watch the other semifinal that decided who will be the opponent on Sunday (fcking French, bleeeh). So we had another aperitivo, and some beers afterwards. By this time, there were only two of us left (me and Astrid) and we decided that we want to go dancing somewhere. Unfortunately, everything turned out to be closed! We did spend a total of 75 euros on bloody taxi fare, though!!! Which really is a lot, considering how cheap taxis are here! The worst thing is that we finally did fail in finding a club to go dancing and I ended up at home at around 3.30AM.
Today, I have done my post-exam cleaning and laundry etc... Always good to make a fresh start after an exam, right?
And of course I had to clear out my mess before Kim and Ellen arrive: Tomorrow!!!
They are very lucky, as the temperature has gone down significantly. Only 28 degrees today!!!!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Pictures solution!
Picture Problem
I am having trouble posting picures, but I am not entirely sure why. I had the same problem yesterday, when I had a final party picture I wanted to add, but didnt manage. Today I wanted to add some extra pictures of the flowers on our terrace, but the whole picture-adding-situation is rather shit. I am going to try and solve it and then I will add them later.
Today, I was at Uni to study all day. Unfortunately, on Sundays we are not supposed to work. The University makes it very clear that is what they think: In winter, there is no heating on Sunday and in Summer, there is no air conditioning. So it was a hot and sweaty day there!
But, I did get a fair bit of work done, so I am rather satisfied with myself. Now, I will try and see if I can solve the picture-situation. If so, I will post more pictures later.
Today, I was at Uni to study all day. Unfortunately, on Sundays we are not supposed to work. The University makes it very clear that is what they think: In winter, there is no heating on Sunday and in Summer, there is no air conditioning. So it was a hot and sweaty day there!
But, I did get a fair bit of work done, so I am rather satisfied with myself. Now, I will try and see if I can solve the picture-situation. If so, I will post more pictures later.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Party Time
Well, that was an interesting exam. I predicted only 1 of the questions correctly (out of 3), unfortunately. Overall, I felt reasonably ok about the result. Let's put it this way: I have done several exams that I felt significantly worse about, and passed them anyway. So, even though it wasnt fun at all, I reckon the result isnt going to kill me.
As this was the official last day of the Field Exam period, everybody was in a great mood after finishing (I will do the resit of my other field exam, in Public Economics, on Wednesday, so I am actually not finished at all!). We first enjoyed a good lunch and I then went home to get myself organised and try to cool down (which is difficult, considering the heat!).
At night, there was of course Italy vs Ukraine in the Quarter Final of the World Cup, which was rather interfering with our supposed party to celebrate the end of the exams. But my friends had decided to watch the game in a bar next to my house, so they could come and party afterwards. Unfortunately, they arrived a bit late and the bar was completely full. So, suddenly, at 9PM (2 hours before I planned), about 15 of them suddenly arrived at my place to watch the football here!!!
Well, I can officially say it was cosy, and FCKING HOT!

After Italy had wiped Ukraine of the map, we continued the party outside. Lots of other random people showed up (friends of friends of friends), as well as Nina and Antonio. And it turned into one big booze fest! An attempt to go to a club nearby failed as a result of us not being allowed into any clubs. So we ended up returning home, where we had left Idil sleeping inside and Micky sleeping on the terrace...

All in all, it was an AWESOME party!!!
Obviously, today was not quite so awesome... In fact, today was a very bad day. But mine wasnt nearly as bad as Meghans, because she was actually moving today! She (and Micky (carried boxes and furnutre all day long in the 35+ degree heat: I do not envy them...)
Now, I am watching Bra-Fra and I will go to bed early. Because I really have to study for the Field Exam on Wednesday!
As this was the official last day of the Field Exam period, everybody was in a great mood after finishing (I will do the resit of my other field exam, in Public Economics, on Wednesday, so I am actually not finished at all!). We first enjoyed a good lunch and I then went home to get myself organised and try to cool down (which is difficult, considering the heat!).
At night, there was of course Italy vs Ukraine in the Quarter Final of the World Cup, which was rather interfering with our supposed party to celebrate the end of the exams. But my friends had decided to watch the game in a bar next to my house, so they could come and party afterwards. Unfortunately, they arrived a bit late and the bar was completely full. So, suddenly, at 9PM (2 hours before I planned), about 15 of them suddenly arrived at my place to watch the football here!!!
Well, I can officially say it was cosy, and FCKING HOT!

After Italy had wiped Ukraine of the map, we continued the party outside. Lots of other random people showed up (friends of friends of friends), as well as Nina and Antonio. And it turned into one big booze fest! An attempt to go to a club nearby failed as a result of us not being allowed into any clubs. So we ended up returning home, where we had left Idil sleeping inside and Micky sleeping on the terrace...

All in all, it was an AWESOME party!!!
Obviously, today was not quite so awesome... In fact, today was a very bad day. But mine wasnt nearly as bad as Meghans, because she was actually moving today! She (and Micky (carried boxes and furnutre all day long in the 35+ degree heat: I do not envy them...)
Now, I am watching Bra-Fra and I will go to bed early. Because I really have to study for the Field Exam on Wednesday!
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