Friday, April 07, 2006

Berlusconi continued

Haha, Berlusconi now wants independent observers because he doesnt trust the elections he is organising (his own elections, yes). Especially because all the media is poised against him. Which is odd, because he owns all the media!!! Funny... But seriously, I will be very happy once these bloody elections will be over! No more bullshit about it!
Furthermore, I worked on my Political Economics today. This is an extremely quiet week, because I only had one class (on Monday), so I am taking it all very slowly. In addition, we are having discussions about the schedule of our field exams (we get to decide our own dates, but have to do so in a unanimous fashion: I now know why the EU doesnt work.... Breek me de bek niet open, zullen we maar zeggen)

1 comment:

Esther said...

Berlusconi is just creepy. Let's hope someone else wins! Good luck with picking the dates, it will be hard (if not impossible) to make everybody happy.