At night, I had my graduation and goodbye party. I got extremely drunk but it was sooo much fun. I really enjoyed it and I want to thank everyone for their presence, as well as their presents...
I had an absolutely great time. The next day, however, I did not have such a great time (just like some other people, btw). On Sunday, I started packing all my belongings and had an absolutely lovely dinner at the Boccachio restaurant with BarD's parents. That was simply gorgeous...
I spent Monday moving my stuff, even though a lot of it had been picked up by friends, who wanted to have things. The rest of my belongings went to my parents house for storage...
(I am giving a quick account, because my battery is nearly flat...)
Today I went to Amsterdam to go to the Italian Consulate in Amsterdam for some formalities. Unfortunately, the consulate closes at noon (which is not published on the website) and I got there at 10 past noon. Bastards...
Oh well, I will go again on Friday, because Thursday the consulate will be closed and tomorrow I will finish moving out of my house. It does make me feel sad to see the stripped house without furniture. And I have started to see the advantages of removal services: I HATE MOVING.
Well, I have some battery power left so I have time to post some pictures from the party:
