Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Last Supper(s)

So, during my Last Weekend in Milan, I did not use the opportunity to finally, finally go and see the famous Last Supper. I know, it's shameful, but Fedor went and he said it was quite underwhelming. Also, it's expensive and you have to book 2 months in advance. So you know what? Never mind!

Instead, I did my own Last Supper. Twice! On Friday we went for Pizza, and then on to the Vineria. It was an enjoyable evening and there was some good company! Then yesterday, I sort of had another Last Supper, going with a bunch of people to a nice Japanese restaurant: another great night!


So now I am really preparing to go. Packing the necessary stuff, trying to remember what I have to bring, etc etc. It's gonna be great!

Anyway, here are some things I have come across recently that I though were interesting:
- Sometimes you read something, and it's simply unbelievable. Here is a piece about some quotes of the Republican who might well be the Presidential candidate in 2012:LINK
- But sometimes you come across stuff that is simply hilarious. Like the Golden Oldie of the Philipine prisoners performing Mickael Jackson's Thriller:

- And if you're up for another really funny song, follow this link for an Oded Gross original!


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