Sunday, March 01, 2009

Berlin, here I come

OK, so I lied to you. I did not in fact post immediately after deciding to accept the job. In fact, it's more than a week ago when I took the job, and only now do I write to you here.


Yes, it is now officially true: I am getting old and I have a job. Awesome. Anyways, so, logistically, this means the following: Per April 1, I will be post-doctoral researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, working on a project named "Calculating the Global Costs of Conflict" (yes, it's really, really interesting!). So I will also be moving there of course, per March 30. Fedor, however, still has a job to do here in Milano, so he will stay in Milano until June 1. That's ok, because it gives me a bit of extra time to find a house, and we can do the relocation in a slightly more relaxed way. Oh, but btw, if anybody happens to hear something about a job in Berlin for Fedor, let us know!

Of course I will be coming up and down from Berlin to Milano a few times (for Easter, for example), but in principle I will be ein Berliner from April 1.

But before it's that far, I still have plenty of things to do. I started working on a new paper, I submitted some papers to journals, I have lots of reading group meetings to attend: it's all quite busy. But there is also time for fun. Like last weekend, which we spend in Cocconato, on a Couples Weekend! I know it's pathetic, but we went to this Agroturismo for the weekend, with five couples (and a dog) and we ate and drank and ate and drank until we, well, were full of food and drinks, basically...

Picture time:




Yesterday we had a lovely dinner with our Costarican friends and now we have started counting the days until I leave...



Anonymous said...



We knew you could do it!!

Cool man, we komen zeker buurten.

Lilian en Jorryt

Esther said...

Brilliant!!! Congrats and I would love to visit someday when you're settled in :) For now: good luck trying to arrange before the first of April

Meghan Newton said...

Yeee haw! Congrats on the new job Olaf! Berlin sounds exciting. Best of luck with your transition!

PS Just got back from a week in NY and discovered your comments on my blog! Thanks for the blog love :)