Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Questura VII

Bastard Italians!!!!

I have spent another 2 1/2 hours in the cold (today being the coldest day of the week... Friday the forecast is saying 18 degrees! Today just 7 degrees though) in order to finally make it into the (side-entrance of the) police station.


"Please return in two weeks"

This is good, because I have nothing else to do in my life. It is not as if I have some significant deadlines coming up, or just want to spend time to work on my research... No, not at all. I really prefer to spends hours at the GODDAMN police station trying to get a fcking permission I do not even want anymore!!!!



1 comment:

xxxxxxx said...

Feel like returning to Groningen?

The Netherlands aren't really what you would like them to be these days. Today, there is a storm so strong that roof tiles sail down and public transportation is messed up. Unfortunately, I am stuck 200 kilometers outside of Groningen (but being taken care of very well).

I'd rather stand outside the Questura for 2.5 hours. For dozens of times... well, no. Not really.

Good luck