Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New Blog, again

I am getting the hang of this personalising-my-blog thing. I have changed a few things again (making it look less LateX, I hope). Please note the banner in the top. It changes when you reload the page.... (yes, I do think this is a cool feature. And no, I dont care if you call me a nerd for this). I hope to be adding more and more banners, so they will always be a surprise. For now, the banners are made by me, based on photos in Italy, made by me, or by Jorryt (for the visually impaired, I am not sure whether the contrast is actually still visible, with the red-on-purple for links. If it is not: sorry)


xxxxxxx said...

Yo, hear, hear, the visually impaired department speaks up.

I like the background colour, it's less depressing. But the links... well, luckily I don't click on those every day. Just as the comment-button, but I am quite good at guessing where to find it. Besides, selecting the text makes the colour change anyway.

Quite frankly, it's your website and I don't really give a shit anyway about how you design it as long as it remains readable.

I keep on hitting F5. This is a really cool feature.

Anonymous said...

Well....... you are in luck....... new pics coming around the beginning of december ;-)

Esther said...

Really nice what you've done with your blog OJ, keep it up. The new banner changing feature is so COOL :)