Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cordoba, here I come!

Today I heard some great news!

Last month, I applied to go to a Winter School (the cold equivalent of a Summer School) and following Conference about Polarization and Conflict. Today I was told that I have been selected!!! So next month, at the end of November, I will go to Cordoba, Spain, for 4 days to learn more about this fascinating topic. All the specialists from the field will be there and I am sure I will learn so much!!! I am really, really excited about it. Especially because it will also be mostly funded. The accomodation and food is paid for by the conference and I hope Bocconi might be willing to assist in funding the flight... It is not that expensive, anyway, but it would be nice to get the flight reimbursed. Woohooo, I am totally excited about it!!! And of course, a secondary advantage is the presence of the Mezquita of Cordoba, which is yet another item on the List of Wonders...
I discovered another cool thing about Italy today. Apparently, the government decides when you are allowed to heat your house! Even though our flat is termoautonomo (own heating), as opposed to building-based heating which most flats have in Milan, we still have to wait for the government to sanction the use of central heating. Since the 15th of October, we are allowed to use our heating. Or, in fact (due to our heating arrangement with the neighbours), it is compulsory to use the heating! We had a little fight with the "termostato" today, but finally managed to convince it to switch on the central heating at certain hours...
Finally, I have managed to upload the picture of Our Naviglio that I wanted to show you:



xxxxxxx said...

Congratulations with getting into the Winter School. Is it about the same as a skiing expedition without mountains as well?

Anonymous said...

Hey Olaf!

I also want to contratulate you with your selection for the Winter School!! Very nice!! So.. hope it will be a great learning experience combined with some fun and sightseeing... it really is a nice city.
And about the heating.. here in Sweden the period when you are allowed to heat your own house is also regulated by the local authorities.. and unfortunately here the system is not switched on yet!! And it is starting to get colder... So i am freezing in my own apartment... :S Pretty bad.

hejsan, Nicole

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cordoba! That has been on my (largely unaccomplished) 'to do list' for a long time! How lucky you are - I'm sure you'll enjoy your visit almost as much as having genuinely government-approved central heating in your bella casa! ;)

Esther said...

Wow, congratulations! Sounds really nice :) And the picture is great, what a view.... luckily the views in Oz are pretty nice too, so I won't be too jealous ;)