Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New blog-features

Tonight, Fedor went out with a friend from his new job. So I took the evening of redesigning my blog. Recently, part of my blog disappeared (in the links section) and even though I dont know how it happened, I still felt it was a reason for doing some redesigning. Unfortunately, it has been a long time since I did any webpage design and I had to do it the hard way. I think finally it worked out reasonably well. However, I do realise this statement only works for those people who use Internet Explorer, because it looks kinda sucky in Mozilla Firefox: bad luck for you guys!
Anyways, most of the changes are probably too subtle to be noticed (the background went from nearly-black to a-little-less-close-to-black, for example, for which I found a great tool). The most noticeable, however, is the new picture in the top, which is a photo I took today of the Naviglio, practically next to our house. I thought it was pretty.
PS Fedor also started a blog
PPS Earlier today, I posted this news story, which made me laugh... (people say we are poor: but if we include the illegal economy, we are really not that poor! Now that is creative bookkeeping!


xxxxxxx said...

Get rid of the new font, it's a bit LaTEX-like (=uggly). Further, great improvements.

Those Greek are weird people indeed.

Anonymous said...


Btw.... dammit..... I lost my nr. 1 position in your links. *sad*

Esther said...

The new top bar looks amazing! Keep up the good work :)