Sunday, September 24, 2006

More Photos

Finally, I took the time today to take a few more pictures of the flat, furnished definitively. I know I put pictures here before, but those were from the time we didnt actually have our furniture here yet. But now we do! So, these are the pictures from how the flat looks now:

And finally, a quick picture from the Naviglio Grande, the canal we live very, very close to...
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All in all, the house is very, very awesome!
As to my week, no much has been up since Wednesday. On Thursday, we went out for Aperitivo with a group of friends. This was fun, but Fedor and I didnt stay out too late as Fedor had to go to training early next morning. I have been trying to achieve some progress, which is going surprisingly well. Except on Friday, when I was simply having an off-day. The week-ends are still very relaxed (the quiet before the visitor's storm, from half October). We go to the supermarket on Saturday and clean the house on Sunday: nothing else! Finally, there is another link I should tell people about. I have mentioned SkyScanner before, which is an amazing website for looking for cheap airline tickets within Europe or Asia. But now there is Budget Long Haul, which contains information for cheap intercontinental tickets! Always very useful...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mooi appartementje....ik mis alleen nog wat mooie kitcherige vogels in het totaal beeld! Oh dat is toevallig, we hebben laatst nog een papegaai en een flamingo in Leahs tas gevonden..coming your way soon!