Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Another year, another Permesso

Recently, Fedor and I have been spending a lot of time on our bureaucratic affairs. For me it is the second time, but that does not make it much easier. What does make it easier, apparently, is coming to Italy to be an English teacher, instead of a student. We first went to the Police Station last week, arriving at 7AM (which, admittedly, is a bit late there). After waiting outside in the drizzling rain for one-and-a-half hours, we got to to the First Desk. Here I was told that, as an EU-citizen, renewing the Residence Permit takes place in a different office. Fedor, however, could go ahead because it was his first permesso. Afterwards, not only did we not have to wait long, Fedor also succeeded in getting his Permesso during the first attempt!!! (it ook me 4 attempts last year). And all that in only 3 hours!!! The most jealous-making thing, however, is the fact that, without asking, Fedor received a 5-year permesso!!! I am having trouble getting a 1-year extension, but Fedor gets a 5-year one without any trouble. A few days later, he managed his Municipality registration in a mere 2 hours as well... In the meanwhile, I managed to find the "other police station" where I was supposed to go. So after an hour or so waiting, I was told to return in the end of October. Which thuse means that my Medicare is running out (which can only be renewed with a new Permesso). However, I decided to go the local office again anyway, together with Fedor. Once more, he was very lucky and he got his Medicare arranged straight away! (it took my 6 months). However, I was able to borrow some of his luck and get my Medicare extension straight away too. So at least that is arranged.
The same cannot be said for my affairs in the Netherlands. Suddenly, a lot of bureacratic bullshit is arriving from my past again too. This includes a large unpaid bill and the recovery of a bank account! "A what?", you are asking, now. Well, apparently, a bank account which, to my knowledge, had been cancelled more than a year ago, still exists. I have not found out whether there is any money in that account, but I am very curious...... (probably not, though)

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