On Sunday Morning, it was actually rather sunny and we had some hopes for a nice day. Well, at least we had a lovely trip to the antiques market
After our Antiques Trip, we picked up Fedor and went to the Cimitero Monumentale. I had not been there with my new camera, so I took lots and lots of photos (as did my Mother, btw). The weather got a little bit worse and it rained quite a lot when we arrived (oddly enough, the sun was shining as well, which was quite a surreal experience, because it lasted very long), but there were some lovely photo opportunites:
It was a nice visit, but when it was time to leave, the rain finally won over the Sunshine and it started pissing it down. We decided we had had enough and simply retired from sightseeing for the rest of the day. The next day was simply horrible, weather-wise. It rained pretty much all day and it was not very warm either. To make matters even worse, on Mondays, nearly all museums are closed, so there were not many indoor activities to be done, either.... We ended up spending some time in the only Museum not-closed, the Scala Theatrical Museum:
And we spend some time in shops and the Duomo, but we decided to retire quite early again. Post-aperitivo, however, the weather had cleared up a little and we managed to see some more sights. All in all, we saw a lot, despite the weather, and had a really good time!
On Tuesday, they left again and Fedor and I both went back to work and life etc. I have been doing a fair bit of work, in preparation for a meeting I am having on Monday to discuss my second paper and its prospects. I feel reasonably well-prepared to face my professor now, so that should be fine...
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