We got a ride back to Milan that night and went to bed exhausted. The next day was a day of Rest for Fedor and a day of Cooking for me: at night we had Felix and Annaig coming over for sushi. I spent all day in the kitchen preparing the sushi and I must say I was quite satisfied with the result. And so were our guests, so that is a good sign. They actually came to see us as part of a deal during which they helped me to proctor an exam on Friday morning 8.30, for the course I am Tutoring... Which reminds me: Why do people think it is a good idea to organise exams at 8.30AM? Especially if they are only 1-hour exams? That is just annoying, isnt it?
In other news, we decided to buy a new camera. I cannot wait for it to arrive (it should have been delivered this morning, but this is Italy, so it wasnt), because it is totally fantastic!
And the best thing is: It is a present from Fedor to me. Isnt he absolutely lovely??? (he was also completely sick oh my whining about my old camera which has been broken since I dropped it last year). So expect many lovely pictures soon!!!
1 comment:
With a camera like that, one immediately recalls paparazzo is an Italian concept. Impressive.
You know what's not so nice as well? Grading exams. Especially if there are 100 of them (I had to grade 8 questions) and you only have a few days to do so. And particularly if students think that it is better to fill out shit than to leave the answer box blank if you don't know the answer anyway. Example: what type of hypothesis is... ? Answer: a good hypothesis, because it is well-formulated, blabla. Well, I guess students like these don't get admitted to Boconni anyway.
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