Well, let's just give a quick summary:
The wedding party was amazing!!! It was fantastic to have all our friends there, particularly because there were so many people there from different walks of life and different parts of our lives. It was simply fantastic to see them alltogether. Some I hadnt seen for years (Jo, my flatmate in Australia) and some I had just seen a few days before (my colleagues in Berlin): I was happy they were all there! And we were so incredibly lucky, with fantastic weather and a perfect location. It is simply incomprehensible how happy it all made me (us). Anyay, photos are available on Fedor's blog.
The weekend after, we travelled to the Netherlands again, for the wedding of Bart and Tineke. A beautiful party at a beach club made for a great location to celebrate. And it was cool to spend some time with them, as well as Joost and Kim, who will be our next wedding destination in the Netherlands in August. We also had the opportunity to meet up with some friends in Amsterdam before coming back to Berlin, so that was convenient.
The weeks after, I didn't spend a lot of time in Berlin. I first spend nearly a week in Turkey, going to a conference, meeting some interesting people and enjoying the lovely weather. Next, I went to France to work with my coauthor (and to enjoy some of the French delights like the food and the drinks!). Following that, I went to Amsterdam for yet another conference. For that trip, it was particularly great that I had the opportunity to spend some time with BarD, meet his new boyfriend and go partying. It was lovely to be in Amsterdam for those few days, but I was also very happy when I came home again and didn't have to venture out anymore... Except that, a week later, I went on a 2-day trip with my colleagues to Bad Saarow: a team-building event... Like last year, I wasn't particularly looking forward to it, but was actually a lot of fun...
Since then, we had Maartje and Edin over for one weekend, and then Fedor went on a few weekend trips (revenge for my "being away" for a few weeks?). Last weekend, he was in Prague with his mother, while I had Marie and Tom over for some fun times. This weekend, I was actually truly home alone, with Fedor being in Milano and me not having any visitors!!! While a bit lonely, it did give me the opportunity to do those things I have been needing to do for a while. Like proper cleaning, taxes, tanning etc... But I will be happy when he is back though.... (hopefully in half an hour or so!)
Anyways, apart from that general overview, I have to say that we have been having some good times. The weather has been amazing!!! I mean, one could nearly say the temperature has been a bit excessive (the 38° thing wasnt too much fun, working on the top floor under a flat roof and not having any aircon), but anything is better than the Winter, right? Obviously, the World Cup has been a lot of fun too, although I was away for most of it, I did manage to enjoy some of the matches. Most of our matches were spent at Kulturbrauerei, around the corner from our house, where there was a large concentration of Dutch people:
In other fun news, I have been having some discussions with the German tax office. Our marriage is not being recognised and I am obviously protesting that decision (it makes a fairly large tax difference), but so far I have not been particularly successful. Although I think I have now managed to get the decision-making process stalled until there is a final outcome from a court case currently going for the High Court, which should solve our problems... Anyway, in the meantime, they already gave me 2400 euros (yeah I know, it is not actually a gift: I simply paid too much in the first place) and I am fighting to get some more back. It is really quite exhilarating to try and fight with the system: I love it!!! Tomorrow, I will be sending them another three letters (one to protest the preliminary tax outcome, one to protest the preliminary outcome of Fedor's and one to protest the fact that we were forced to file separately: good times!!!).
Right, now that is about enough. The coming weeks will contain lots of work, and hopefully some more warm days: I love it!!!
haha, I think your time in Italy has made you ready to fight any government system, go for it! The wedding party was amazing, thanks!
Sorry we couldn't make it for the wedding (the surgery was unsuccessfull anyway and has to be re-done in August; so we might as well have been at your place).
Sounds like life is treating you well.
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