Sunday, July 25, 2010


Summer is over, apparently. From the lovely temperatures in the past weeks, the temperature dropped to about 20-21° for the foreseeable future. :-( I mean, it could be worse, but it is quite a setback!

The past week was mainly work-involved. I had my "target talk" on Tuesday where I told my boss that I would be looking for a new job at the end of my current project. He was very sad, but he did understand me (and of course, it has nothing to do with the job or with him, so that is nice too). For the rest, I have been able to do a bit of work on a new piracy project that I am looking to do some time soon and finalise the Afghanistan paper. Finally, I also attended the PhD defence of one of my colleagues: It is interesting to see the difference between a Dutch, an Italian and a German PhD defence: I really was very lucky in Italy, I have to say!!!

This weekend, a friend of Fedor is visiting with his girlfriend. Because the weather is kinda shitty, we have mostly been playing card games etc. Right now, they are sleeping (at 14.30 in the afternoon.......), so I cannot vacuum the flat. Oh well, I guess we'll just continue living in this dust bowl!


PS My god, that Love Parade thing in Duisburg is really awful... It reminds me of the celebration of 20 years Mauerfall last year when I was on such a huge festival with Ellen and Kim and we nearly got crushed as well: it was quite scary, but at least nobody died that day!!!

1 comment:

xxxxxxx said...

Yup, I remember the force of crowds from Queen's Day (both in Groningen and Utrecht). I have been avoiding crowds since, though that also is somewhat rooted in the fact that crowds are weighted negatively in my utility function.

Does a new job also involve a new city?

I am not sure whether an Italian PhD is actually 'lucky'. Purely focusing at the defense ceremony, it is cool to have a ceremony at which you are able to defend in public what you have written. If you know what you're talking about, it is nice to try to convince others. I am sure you would have enjoyed a Dutch defense (as did I) as well.