Monday, May 24, 2010

36 billion Euros

That is what the war in Afghanistan costs the German tax payers. And an annual cost of about 3 billion, contrasted with the 1 billion that the government claims. Clearly, enough for quite a bit of a controversy! The news came out last Thursday, with news areticles in Spiegel Onlin, Manager Magazine and many others. I am particularly proud of the interview in Spiegel Online and the fact that a weapons company lost 5% of its value, apparently thanks to our report. That is just supercool, right? In the Netherlands, I got a large article in NRC Handelsblad (page 5, last Friday), so I am very proud!!!

Anywys, for the rest all is well. The real report is only coming out on Wednesday, so that is when we can expect some proper controversy... Let's see what happens! In the meantime, we entertained Mignon and Sander during this long weekend and made some use of the fairly nice weather. Particularly yesterday was glorious, with the Karneval der Kulturen der Welt: a large intercultural festival with a parade and everything. It was a lot of fun! Today, I also managed to squeeze in some time to finish the Alte Nationalgalerie. Another Museumsinsel attraction ticked off. After Bode Museum (4 visits), Pergamon (4 visits) and the Altes Museum (2 visits). Tonight: game night with Nicole and Pieter. Woohoo! And next weekend: Dresden!

Good times, I say!



xxxxxxx said...

The wet dream of a scientist specializing in boringomics came true! Congratulations.

(the people think we do boring things, not me!)

Esther said...

Wow, that is quite a lot of money.... Congrats on the brilliant publicity!!!

Diane Folan said...

It sounds as though things are going very nicely for you Olaf, and I must say I'm glad to hear it! SO delighted for you that your work is receiving such rave reviews, and having such an impact too!! You'll have to let us know what the full report says when it comes out Wednesday (er, tomorrow). Delighted too that you're able to make the conference in Izmir. Should be fun!


xxxxxxx said...

You got out-shouted this week: there is $1000 bn worth of natural resources in the Afghan soil. Just let the Germans claim 3.6 percent and all is well again.