Anyway, the need to come up with a trustworthy estimate that can stand the scrutiny of the Ministries of Finance and Defence have been keeping me at work for quite some time... I promise to provide links to the research when it is published!
In other news, the Queen's Day party at the Embassy was a lot of fun again. And once more, too much alcohol was consumed, although it was not quite as bad as it was last year... Las weekend, we had some friends over from the Netherlands: Cobie and Peter. It also happened to be Labour Day, which is commonly celebrated with music, beer and rioting, so we spent quite some time in Kreuzberg:
In all honesty, we did not in fact participate in any riots, to everyone's relief. It was great to see them though, and we rediscovered the joys of playing Cluedo! I always thought that game was kinda stupid, but it really is not that bad!!! (*shock*). This weekend was (yet another) visitor-free one. Instead, we did have Nicole, Pieter and Kristy over for dinner. I finally made Costarican ceviche, which is an absolutely delicious fish-lime dish.
This week is thankfully short. On Thursday, it is Ascension Day (which in Germany is also Men Day, apparently) and in order to compensate for my Sundays of work, I am taking the Friday off as well. This works out well, because Fedor's mum will be here with her boyfriend: we will be able to spend some time together! Now all I have to do is last until Wednesday and finalise my research report...
PS I don't want to share any specific numbers yet regarding the cost of the war effort, but it suffices to say that the cost is expressed in the tens of billions of euros...
Dude.... playing Cluedo. And you have the nerve to call us ''Burgerlijk" (MOUHAHA).
Counting the days till june 5th.......
Lilian, Thomas & Jorryt
haha, but I am serious: cluedo is surprisingly enjoyable!!!
I love Cluedo (if you play it right and with the right people)! Sounds like a really interesting research project of yours, any more news on the outcome? Am very curious!
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