Did anything important happen recently? Nah, not really. My paper was accepted for the European Economic Association meeting in Glasgow in August, so that was a nice surprise. I mean, previous experiences in Scotland in August notwithstanding, I have been told that the weather there can occassionally be rather pleasant! So that should be lots of fun (and a great opportunity to meet many old friends). In fact, overall, this Summer appears ot be one of mucho travelling. Next month, we will be visiting Dresden with Nicole and Pieter. Then in June, it will be Dalen (NL) for our own party, Den Haag for a wedding, probably Turkey (or otherwise Hannover) for a conference, possibly Clermont-Ferrand for a research visit and finally Amsterdam for a conference. July will have the department retreat, August the trip to Glasgow and September Munich (and possibly possibly possibly Tanzania). My conclusion: good times!
At work, all is quite well. I have a little sad that my intern, who worked her hass off for 3 months has returned to her University, so that it is now just me and my Research Asisstant. But in May I should be getting a new intern temporarily, who will be succeeded by new ones in July and September. As for any results of my research: that is debatable. The Global Economic Costs of Conflict? Well, I have a number, but it has a high margin of uncertainty (VERY high) and still changes a lot whenever I change some of my underlying assumptions. But, just to give you an indicator. Right now it looks as follows: if there was no, and had never been any, civil conflict, the world would have had a GDP in 2000 that would be approximately 1.5 trillion dollars higher. That is $1,500,000,000,000 for the year 2000.
This week is going to be a nice one. The weather has cleared up, I will have lots of opportunities to go to the gym (yes, I have managed to get into a rhythm of visiting the gym 3x per week! I feel very proud...), on Wednesday there will be the lavish party at the Embassy again to celebrate Queen's Day (where I got VERY drunk last year), and on Thursday, friends arrive who will spend the weekend with us. And who will celebrate the first of May with us. Labour Day has a longstanding tradition of urban rioting in Berlin, so it is quite a sight to be seen!
In another amazing development: the German tax office required only ONE week to reject our tax declaration! On the grounds that our marriage is clearly not enshrined in law and we thus cannot file jointly. My first protest against the German Tax Office is already on its way! (apparently, one has to ritually protest the decision three times, before we can go to court: High Court, here we come!!!)
Now, just to finish off, here are two old pictures that I wanted to share (because I havent been posting any pictures lately):

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