Monday, December 21, 2009

It's the most Wonderful Time... of the year...

It's nearly xmas! And it is absolutely FREEZING. Well, it was, anyway. Between Thursday and Monday morning, the temperature didnt come above -10, with windchill making it feel like a good -20 (during the day, that is). As my colleague Kati pointed out "oh, and it's not even winter yet"... oh god, I hadnt realised Berlin was going to be THIS bad! Anyway, since this morning it is a balmy -2 (windchill: -8), so it's nearly time to get our shorts out again...

We have had some snow as well, but not really a lot. not more than a few centimetres basicaylly, which is convenient as I, obviously, still cycle everywhere. I did join in with the rest of civilisation and purchase a hat, despite the obviously negative consequences this has for my hair... But it really is too cold otherwise!

Anyways, more visitors during recent weekends. Last weekend, Stefanie and Cobus were here, and this weekend Rosie and Ness were here (they were actually here for two Rammstein concerts, but stayed at our place: we did not see much of them). Tonite we are meeting with my friend Linlin who lives in China but is in Berlin for a few days, and tomorrow with Jochen, who is over from Groningen for a week or so to visit family. And then on Wednesday, xmas properly starts: My brother and his family will arrive! I am really looking forward to it, and to making lots of nice food etc. It will be lovely, I am sure!

In addition to the visitors etc, there has obviously been some work as well. Last week, I spent 2 days in Geneva for an Expert Workshop on Armed Violence Indicators. It was quite interesting, and a good place to meet many important people. Thanks UNDP, for inviting me! And for paying for the ticket (wtf, what idiot would pay 1000€ to fly Berlin-Geneva and back???). I did learn at least one thing new: the UN has an Office for Outerspace Affairs. How cool is that? Anyway, it was nice to see Geneva (I had never been there) and to meet people, but I was quite sad to arrive in Frankfurt to find that I had missed my connecting flight and to find that I was going to end up having to spend the night in Frankfurt. Oh well, shit happens, but it was all quite stressful and I really would have preferred to get home!

For the rest, my main activities these days are related to the organisation of my Workshop, which is taking place on February 1-2. Rather inconveniently, we will be on our honeymoon the month before the workshop takes place (I will be back at work on January 28th), so everything has to be taken care off right now. And that is quite a hassle! But I am sure it is going to be great: We are having people coming over from the US, UK, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, India, Egypt, etc... So a nice international group, indeed!

Right, now that is it for now. Merry xmas to everyone and try not to get snowed in!

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