Sunday, December 02, 2007

Where to start

You know how it works: You don't do something for a while and then you realise you really should. But when you don't have time, you jut postpone it again thinking "oh well, it's been a while, so it doesn't really matter if it takes some more time". But then, at one point, you come to the stage that it has been so long that it is too much of a hassle to do it anyway. That's where my blogging is at right now. So I will give just a short overview of the past period and promise a better life in the future.
Up to a degree, I blame Fedor, because he had destroyed his computer and we therefore had only one computer to work with. And because I am rarely home while he isnt, this meant that I basically had very little time to work on the computer without him sitting next to me, waiting for us to be able to watch a movie or something. however, thanks to Jorryt's Magic Touch, Fedor's computer now kinda works again, so I can now finally update my blog.

So, over the past weeks, lots has happened. Work, work, work, what can I say... Progress is being made, but I'll let you know when there is something more definitive.

Socially, of course there are more interesting things to discuss. Like the birthday party of my friend Idil, who celebrated in a church-turned-bar, which looked fantastic!!!



It was the same weekend that Fedor's friend Wouter was visiting, and we had a really good time with him and with all our other friends. The weekend after, Fedor went to see friends in Belgium and I went to the Netherlands to see my new-born niece. And of course, the rest of the family. I had a really good time seeing everyone (and Jorryt was able to repair Fedor's computer, so that was good new as well). Unfortunately, while my sisters-in-law took about a billion gazillion photos, I have only receive 1 so far and I am waiting for others to be able to weigh my options which one I want to put down here.... So that is for the future.

The next party was last Friday, my friend Andreja's bday. No photos for that just yet, but I am sure they will also come in the future...

This weekend, Fedor and I went to the town of Reggio Emilia, where our friend Nissrine moved to. It's a town in Emilia Romagna that is simply gorgeous. Gorgeous, but very quiet as well. So Nissrine does not have a lot to do and she was very excited to see us... She showed us the entire town and we had a lot of fun. Nice dinner, a lovely bottle of wine in a deserted wine bar, et cetera. It was good.

Today, we rturned to clean the house, do laundry and get ready for another working week. A short one, because Friday is Sant'Ambrogio's holiday, followed by the Immacolata, so that means celebrations and free days! And of course, Xmas is coming up. We're listing to xmas music, we put up the xmas tree (photos will be shown in the future) and we're very holiday spirited...

Ho ho ho!

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