Thursday, June 28, 2007

Party etc

So we finally had our Housewarming Party on Saturday. Better Late than Never, as they say! We unfortunately did not quite have as many guests as we would have liked to see, but it was a lot of fun, nonetheless. In fact, it was a whole lot of fun and it was nice to have the opportunity to show our house to everyone.


Of course, having the front door open from 14.00 until 23.00 did lead to a little "Mosquito Issue". Some of us being a little drunk, this then led to it seeming a good idea to have a Blood Fest in the house and we killed many a mosquito. The next morning, I certainly did regret our action from the night before, as can be seen by this little example from the wall:

Oh well, we had to clean anyway, so we just cleaned the walls and the ceiling as well!

After that cleaning action, the rest of Monday was not overly easy. At night there was a Student Representatives Dinner, though, where Junye and I enjoyed the pleasures of being PhD Representatives... Unfortunately, we got stuck with a table full of boring people, so we did not manage to get as drunk as planned. I hope we'll do better for Xmas! The rest of the week consisted of 2 things: 1) working on my paper, for which the Saturday Deadline is approaching steadily (and which I am getting more and more sure that I will not make) and 2) working on the exam. Oh yes, my Comparative Political Economics students had a resit today and I thus had to do some more office hours and help some students. It is amazing to see how many opportunities students get to pass their exams: the next opportunity is in 2 1/2 weeks already!!! (which is going to be the fourth time in 3 months...).

Some of the students also managed to amaze me with their stupidity and rudeness. What about this "Oh, professor, I don't have time for the resit on July 16th because I am going to beach with friends the weekend before. Can't I do the exam 2 days later?", or "Oh professor, I will leave the country on Sunday, so can you make sure we have the grades before then?", or during the exam itself "Professor, this is my answer: is it correct?"... I mean, seriously, who the fck do these students think they are???? I am still amazed when I am thinking about it. Now let's hope I remember their names so I can subtract points for stupidity when I grade their exams...
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xxxxxxx said...

Some other example: student in lecture hall to student who did not prepare (underneath my nose, as they would say) "it's a boring article anyway", student missing deadlines "can I postpone submitting to next week?" student missing class "I was on holiday, which was planned way before the class schedule was announced", student wanting to do the resit "how much should I fill out to qualify for the resit?".... shall we write a book on 'Comparative Student Idiotisms"?

OJ said...

Actually, that sounds like a good idea... What about "I understand it completely, but what does 'equality increase' actually mean?" :-S

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, and I thought that Business students were stupid... They sound like fín Einsteins now!


Anonymous said...

fín = F'in, by the way.