Saturday, June 02, 2007


Last Night, there was the Goodbye Party of my friend Dominik, who has been at Bocconi for one-and-a-half year. It was a nice party, but everybody was sad to see him go. Thanks to Facebook, we will obviously be able to stay in touch with him, but it is still a pity!
What was not a pity, was the fact that we had a nice and quiet day together today. We slept during most of it, but also took some time to book our Summer Holiday!

Woohoo, finally! Our plans changed last minute and we will not, as I mentioned to people before be going to Russia, after all. Instead, we are going to fly into Bucharest, then take a train or something to Odessa, then Kiev and Lviv. Afterwards, we will fly out of Katowice, Poland into the Netherlands on the 4th of September, where we will be for nearly a week (including the Wedding of Fedor's friends Maartje and Edin). Anybody wanting to meet up with us, please let me know before then. We will obviously be travelling all around the Netherlands, but if you book early, you will try to make you part of the programme!

Anyways, I am totally excited about going to Romania and Ukraine, so that will be great. Before then, we will be celebrating Notte Bianca tonite (although the weather sucks and I really dont feel like going out at all) and tomorrow a music and theatre Festival at the Cemetery... I cant wait!


PS this post was completely not thought out and written quickly, while I am waiting for the oven to go BLEEP and say that our fish is ready to be eaten... sorry if I made any stupid mistakes...

1 comment:

Esther said...

Wow, sounds exciting!! Ofcourse I would love to see you both again in the Netherlands! I will be in Groningen by then probably (have arranged a temperary room there till the end of November....) hope to see you then.