Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Questura, part VI

Last weekend was a lovely long one, with the celebrations for San Ambrogio and the Immaculate Collection by Madonna. I did work on the latter day, but still it felt like a relaxing weekend. Possibly this was because it was a visitor-free weekend during which we had actively planned not to do anything active. We did well...

This week, however, it was full-pull back to work of course. I managed put in quite a few hours of Labour in order to finish some things in time. Finally, today I decided to return to the Questura again for my Permesso di Soggiorno (permission to stay). The office was supposed to open at 15.00, so I made sure I was there at 14.00. Suddenly, at 14.10 the office opened early!!!!!
This was great news, because only few people had arrived yet (about 25, normally there are about 100 people there). And, even more amazing, we were allowed to wait inside, whereas normally you stand the entire afternoon outside at the side entrance (foreigners are not allowed to enter the police station through the front door).
After about an hour it was my turn and.....
I did NOT get a permesso. Another problem, to which the lady behind the desk didnt know the answer. But she was going to contact the Head Office and I should return in January.


The goddamned SIXTH time I went to the fucking Police Station and the sixth time that I was told to return another time. As if I do not have anything else to do!!! At least it only took about an hour this time, so that did give me a little comfort. However, I still think they seriously only do all this to piss me off (which is working rather well...).

I did, however, recently realise how grateful I should be for having a European passport. If I hear all the trouble others have to go through in order to get out of the country to visit family, or go to conferences, or get back into Italy, it makes me very grateful.

1 comment:

Fedor said...

I know, darling, and I sympathise. Would it help if I started hating them too, for your sake? I just think you're extremely brave for keeping on trying... You're bound to get it soon! xxx