The second picture is from La Trottoir, the place where we went dancing on Fedor's birthday. It was very cool, as you can see. Finally, there are two pictures from the top of Duomo. An absolute tip for any Milanese visitor: climb Duomo during the sunset: it is absolutely gorgeous at that time...
Finally, just a quick picture Henning took on the Antiques Market. The weather was gorgeous, as you can see...

This week, the weather significantly worsened. Well, at least the temperature plummeted. By now the daytime temperature is around 12-13 degrees, but as long as it remains brightly sunny, we cannot complain I guess!
I also finished (actually started and finished) an abstract for another conference. It was accepted straight away, about which I am obviously excited. Now I have to actually write the paper that belongs to the abstract and send it in before february 1. The conference organisers will then decide whether they would like me to come to the conference and if they do, I will have an all-paid-for conference in Izmir in April!!! It would be really awesome if that would be succesful, but we will simply have to wait... For the rest, Fedor and I are enjoying our free visitor-less weekend. It is a nice to be able to be at home cleaning, reading a book and not having to do anyting else for a while. On Friday we went to see our friends Nina and Antonio. Poor Antonio has just returned from hospital after breaking his leg a while ago, so we went to see how he was doing...
Tomorrow, I hope to receive my Permesso di Soggiorno!
The pictures look amazing! Too bad it's very cold in Italy, over here it's around 35-39 degrees, which is a bit too hot for me. Enjoy your visitor free time :)
After three weeks in the 28-35 degrees zone, I moved back to 14 today. Probably, by the end of this weekend, I will be sick.
For you, I have no worries though. I am positive your efforts to obtain the permit will increase your body temperature.
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