In other news, we have booked a trip to a friend's wedding in Niagara, Ontario in August! We will fly into NYC and make our way through NY State to then tick off another Wonder (the Falls) and go to her wedding. Afterwards, we drive back to NYC, spend a weekend there and return to Berlin. It is going to be fabulous! In other "other news", I just had a paper accepted (conditional on a few very minor changes) in the Journal of Peace Research!!!! This is a top-5 journal in Political Science, so I am very excited about this, as you can imagine... Even more excitement is happening on the job front: I will return to Frankfurt this week for a physical examination and after passing that hurdle, a final decision will be made about my potential new job... Right now, it seems about 90% certain I will get it, but just to be sure, I am going to be keeping the suspense a bit longer: Suffice it to say that it is going to be in a country far, far away!
PS Potential job in Kathmandu: moving steadily ahead... Will be undergoing a medical exam real soon and then it only requires the consent of one more person...
oh such a shame you had horrible weather because Stonehenge is really nice in the sunshine... did you go to the other one as well???
No, we were wet and miserable... Definitely not in the mood for any other henges: we just desparately looked for a pub to warm and dry up...
Come on, don't be picky. I cannot imagine some workers in 2500BC saying: "gosh, dudes, we misplaced some of these rocks, let's move them in position for otherwise it will not be a proper henge".
What's next? The Euromast is not a mast because Wikipedia says that a mast is tied to the ground by a guy-wire?
Since when is Wikipedia leading in definitions?
Anyway, enjoy life!
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