Sunday, January 23, 2011

Better and badder than ever before!

In answer to Gerwin: no, this blog has not died. It was temporarily comatose, that is all! But it has been revived...

What happened in the meantime? Well, I guess that would be too much to explain! In summary:
- Bavaria (incl Oktoberfest): awesome! And 1 Hillman Wonder!
- Washington DC: twice, always nice to be there
- New York: good times!
- Marie & Tom's wedding in the Netherlands: a lot of fun
- Brussels: acting like an expert at the NATO Headquarters
- vacationing in Ethiopia: superb!!! (I will post some photos later. No wonders, except that we got stuck in Istanbul, so 2 wonders for Fedor)
- Poznan: great to see Dominik, but I am not sure I would want to move there (it's pretty enough though)

Hmmm, when summarising half a year, it feels travel is the main focus: of course we also received visitors, worked, had parties (Halloween was supercool), etc.

Of course, this begs the question? Why try and revive this blog now? Well, probably because I want to share with you that I made my debute on BBC World last Friday. In a live interview on the flagship programme GMT... Being broadcast in the US on BBC America, in the UK on BBC2 and in the rest of the world on BBC World.

In summary: OH MY GOD, it was absolutely nerve-wrecking!!!! But also supercool, so that made me happy. And I learned something: if I ever see people doing live tv interviews again: respect! It is really not as easy as it seems!

Anyways, I'm back!!!


PS I realised that I have spent the past 7 New Year's Eves in 6 different countries! I think I would like to continue doing so!

1 comment:

Esther said...

woohoo, you're back! Awesome interview, congrats!!! Abfab!