Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bocconi :-(

Bocconi's IT department is working on some kind of modernisation process, but fcked up somewhere along the way. As a result of this, since Thursday, I have a new user account on the computer network. In principle, this would not even be such a problem, accept for the fact this means that all my data, settings and everything else is gone...

Hmmm, that is slightly inconvenient, you think. Yes, it is. In fact, it sucks. I have been sitting at Uni for two days simply waiting for the Network to return, because I have not got anything else to do. And the IT department keeps on saying that they really are working on it and that I shouldnt complain! Hmmm, maybe it is silly of me to expect you to do your job? The only lucky person because of this is a girl who has failed her previous exam and is very desperately trying to make sure she will pass for the next opportunity (tomorrow). She emails about 10 times a day with questions, and I have nothing else to do than answering her. So she is certainly happy!

This weekend, Fedor's friends Werner and José are visiting and they've brought some increased temperatures. The rest of the week it's forecast to be 34°+ every day. We got up with 29.5° this morning. Inside, that is.....

Last night we went to another concert on Piazza Duomo, this time not the La Scala Orchestra, but an individual pianist: Giovanni Allevi, who was absolutely amazing. Possibly the most amazing thing though is the behaviour of the people visiting. Piazza Duomo completely full of people, mostly young people and everyone is completely silent! In fact, whenever somebody coughed or said anything, they would get some evil stares and a lot of shhhh's. Imagine a free public piano concert in Groningen or anywhere else? I cannot believe that young adolescents would also be quiet and respectful there. And here in Milano, they are. I like it.


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